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Ogvidius The First @Oggy-cheese

Age 32, Male


United Kingdom

Joined on 11/14/05

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Oggy-cheese's News

Posted by Oggy-cheese - August 21st, 2009

Lo. Just finished redesigning my site, it's taken quite a while and I really like the way it turned out. Here's an old screenshot for comparison.


There's a few extra pages, and it just generally looks nicer, the icons on the animation, design and film pages have changed also, and a new logo, of course.

It's very new so if you could test it and let me know if anything is broken, or you just want to comment on it, it would be really helpful. Thanks!


New website redesign! Hurrah!

Posted by Oggy-cheese - June 23rd, 2009

Well, mega thanks to everyone for voting/rating/reviewing and watching Gravity's Just A Theory 2, and causing it to get to Daily Feature and Front Page! You guys are great! Thankyou!

Anyway. There have already been requests for another which I won't be doing yet. I do them when I get inspiration to do them :)

I'm really glad you're all enjoying it as much as I enjoyed making it. So, again, huge thanks, and as promised, here is the doodle that started it all.

All the weird arrow stuff in the top right wasn't included in the cartoon. That was an idea for the day to night transition to have the things from the sun turn into a cursor and click on a little night button, but I scrapped that idea. Also, the Cactus was originally wearing boxing gloves here until they became maracas. And yes, that's a tea cup stain just above the toast. Anything else is probably just me scribbling to test the pen ;)

Thanks again guys!


Posted by Oggy-cheese - June 17th, 2009

Remember this?

Well, now there's a new one in the making, and I'm hoping it will be better than the previous. It's about 60% complete at the moment and I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you guys. It's a little longer than the last one too, which means I can cram even more random craziness into it.

If any of you have ideas that you really think should go in there, let me know and I'll see if I can fit it in. Or you can just leave it to my crazy imagination to think of stuff and see what happens!

A picture is all you're getting. Enjoy.


Gravity's Just A Theory 2!

Posted by Oggy-cheese - May 22nd, 2009

More new things!

New flash

Firstly, a new flash animation has just been unleashed upon the portal. At the time of writing this it's currently under judgement so I'm looking forward to reading reviews and seeing how it's done.

It's called The Test of Doom and I spent quite a while on it, although I had to take a break for a few days because my throat got messed up while doing the voices and I couldn't do them near the end, lol. Anyway, that's one thing.

New site:
I've redesigned the site, yet again. Still trying to find a style that suits it really. No doubt there will be further improvements.


New films

Believe it or not I also do short films, I just made a new one called 'The Chord That Changed The World' and that can be seen over on the Tube of You.


and finally,

New Muffin

Well, it's a theoretical new muffin. It's called the 'Very Green Double Muffin' and it's like two muffins stuck together, which are, of course, very green. Not sure what the flavour would be, perhaps cabbage, who knows. But I do think they should exist.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings and stuff. Just keeping any of you that want to be updated, updated.


New Stuff! Hurrah!

Posted by Oggy-cheese - April 29th, 2009

It's here at last!


You may have noticed Wet Lemon has died :( but all is not lost, as Ogvidius.com is now finished and looking... well, you can decide.

It's in really early stages so please check it out, test things out and tell me what you think, I want to hear everyone's opinions and know of any improvements I could make or things that don't work. I've worked hard on this and I want to know that it is working properly.

It's got some more stuff on there than Wet Lemon did, as it now features films and graphic design as well as flash animation, I'll be posting news up there on what I'm doing too.

As you can see I've also changed my user theme around to match the site, and a few other stuff.

So, enjoy my shizzle!

Thanks so much guys!

New website finally finished!!

Posted by Oggy-cheese - March 24th, 2009

Ok, so first off, I've been working on a bucket-load, perhaps just a shovel-full of music and I've now got enough to release a CD, which I've gone and done. You can preview the album on youtube which I have posted below.

/* */
Well I'm kinda working on and off with flash, I really want to create another old school comedy flash now that I have improved my skills, I'm working on a little short flash for a comp which I should have done soon and I will probably post here if I'm allowed. I have also finished my part for the Pork and Beans collab and I'm looking forward to that finishing (parts still available).

This is the really exciting stuff (for gamers anyway).

Personally, I'm very excited about this. OnLive is essentially streaming games onto your PC / Mac / TV or whatever. Apparently Crysis runs on high, really smoothly on a Macbook air!

The website currently has a countdown on it that suggests something is happening in about 9 hours, not sure what that is, unless it's just the launch of the website.


I'm really excited, all you will need is a fair internet connection. 1.5Mb connection will get you standard quality (Wii) and a 5Mb will get you full HDTV support!

You can allow people to spectate you playing a game, or watch others, and the ability to record the last 15 seconds of your game if something awesome happened. It looks great.

IGN Article
Kotaku article

Interview - Part 1

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Interview - Part 2

/* */

(Long post, sorry)

Posted by Oggy-cheese - January 23rd, 2009


There's a new toon on the way (hopefully) entitled:
"Jeremy Duncan Smith: Warrior Princess"
and it's about a funny looking man getting a letter in the post. It will be short, with a good punchy story (I've been inspired by watching a lot of Pixar shorts) and depending on the success of it, I might make a few more.

Contructive criticism? Yes, yes I do.

Also Colours the game is making some sort of progress, as it's my first game I don't really have a clue what I'm doing, but that's where Lochie aka Night-Mare comes in :D

Anyway, merry friday everyone! Don't forget to Duck In A Bowl

I'm happy, and I know it, and I really want to show it because I'm having chinese food tonight, oh joy! *clap clap*

The End.

News! Preview of new flash!

Posted by Oggy-cheese - November 23rd, 2008


Hurrah! Huzzah! Hip Hip Hoorah! Colours, the little flash thingy I made a while ago with the blissfully happy, bouncing geometric shapes, is going to be made in game form! Woot! :D

Here's Colours.
And here's the current stage of Colours: The Game!

About Colours: The Game

Anyway, it's nothing spectacular at the moment, but I'm sure it will be great, we plan on having a world that you need to colour, and the music changes according to how you have coloured the world, etc. But it's all in very early stages at the moment, and it's all very hush hush. So hush hush, in fact, that I have posted it in this post on the front page of Newgrounds! It's that secretive!

A little aside

In other news, I have (finally) got Colours to work on my website.

The Portal Collab (lol)

Also, the Portal Collab is almost complete! Muhahaha! Yes, I know I've said that for a few months now, and it was originally intended to be finished by June... but nevermind! I think we might actually finish it a some point :P Hurray for the laziest collab in existence!

Final thoughts
No... I will not clean your giraffe.

Colours: The Game, announced! + more

Posted by Oggy-cheese - September 5th, 2008

Userpage design
My userpage, the page you are currently on (unless you copied and pasted all the text from this post into a separate program just to be awkward) has just had a little redesign, meaning, the header image and other images are now different, and better. Take a second to look at them and stroke your chin and make comments like 'yes, it really speaks to me'

Ah yes! Good old colours, my latest toon was received very well-ly and got a daily first and some sort of high score, which I'm very happy about, thank you to everyone for actually liking it and not trying to 'get it'.

Portal collab
The portal collab, which has now been in the making for several months, may finally be coming to an end. A good end, an end in which the thing actually gets finished. Just two more parts left to add and we is done! One of which is in the process of being made, and the other i think may be in the process, but whatever, expect to see that on the portal at some point in the near or distant future.

Google Chrome
Google has made the new internets. So go download it. Basically, it's a web browser like firefox, currently in beta though, so it's a bit unstable at times, but it's fast. Very fast. It doesn't like youtube though, at least not for me. Should be good when it's been out for a while and people have fiddled about with it (it's open source) and themed it etc.

Castle Crashers
Yea, it's good.

At present, I am working on a brand spanking new 2 year old computer, which i just gots. It's got some sort of mega 2XHVNSL£)Xpro2030 graphics card that's uber good or something, so now i can shoot people in pretty detail. I also have the super duper huper 2000 which means flash and other such designy programs will run much better and faster. Huzzah! Though I'm busy with college, ebay and making a music video for some american band that do musics.

In the fyoochaa (future) expect to see some more sort of flash things coming from me, possibly like my last two flashes, colours and GJATA, they will be some sort of experimental cool looking graphic design turned into flash with some crazy music, and no doubt will be received with comments such as 'ZOMGZ, liek you must be onz drugs or summit cos dat was liek da trippy man!' which i have come to know and love.

now for a pointless video, because i can.

/* */
Share the love. Leave a comment.


Posted by Oggy-cheese - July 29th, 2008

Ok, it's been a good while since i posted any flashes on here, and I've been working on and off with 'colours' not really sure what people are going to think of it, but doing it anyway. Much to my surprise people seemed to love it, resulting in a daily first (hoorah!). Thanks to everyone who enjoyed and voted on that, your all very kind :D

Now, what's coming up? The Portal Collab for one, is almost complete, when it will be completed? I have no clue. What i do know is that it will just be a bit of fun, not expecting anything particularly incredible from it, but it could be interesting.
Also, my website has just had a nice redesign (by me) www.wetlemon.co.uk please visit at will.

So, what next? tbh, i really don't know. There's a few mini projects i have in the works, such as Wii Miis, using the art style of the Miis from the Wii :P and a remake of Mr Melon and the Chicken Sloth, which doesn't seem to be happening now. So, I'm going to wait around for some inspiration, and just enjoy having nothing to do in the time being :D

Also, I've been very busy with film making and machinima.

Thanks again guys, expect to see some more from me reasonably soonish.