Well, mega thanks to everyone for voting/rating/reviewing and watching Gravity's Just A Theory 2, and causing it to get to Daily Feature and Front Page! You guys are great! Thankyou!
Anyway. There have already been requests for another which I won't be doing yet. I do them when I get inspiration to do them :)
I'm really glad you're all enjoying it as much as I enjoyed making it. So, again, huge thanks, and as promised, here is the doodle that started it all.
All the weird arrow stuff in the top right wasn't included in the cartoon. That was an idea for the day to night transition to have the things from the sun turn into a cursor and click on a little night button, but I scrapped that idea. Also, the Cactus was originally wearing boxing gloves here until they became maracas. And yes, that's a tea cup stain just above the toast. Anything else is probably just me scribbling to test the pen ;)
Thanks again guys!
i must say that was a pretty amazing flash.
and am i the only one who finds it funny how many people think people who can draw better on the computer than paper are lying? i've been accused of that several times.
I totally agree. I draw much better on computer than on paper. I doodle on paper for speed and then generally draw it up on computer after.