More new things!
New flash
Firstly, a new flash animation has just been unleashed upon the portal. At the time of writing this it's currently under judgement so I'm looking forward to reading reviews and seeing how it's done.
It's called The Test of Doom and I spent quite a while on it, although I had to take a break for a few days because my throat got messed up while doing the voices and I couldn't do them near the end, lol. Anyway, that's one thing.
New site:
I've redesigned the site, yet again. Still trying to find a style that suits it really. No doubt there will be further improvements.
New films
Believe it or not I also do short films, I just made a new one called 'The Chord That Changed The World' and that can be seen over on the Tube of You.
and finally,
New Muffin
Well, it's a theoretical new muffin. It's called the 'Very Green Double Muffin' and it's like two muffins stuck together, which are, of course, very green. Not sure what the flavour would be, perhaps cabbage, who knows. But I do think they should exist.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings and stuff. Just keeping any of you that want to be updated, updated.
Thats Nice.